"Our mission at the RH Group is to empower one billion people with the tools to set themselves financially free by 2030"
Richard Harrington, Founder RH Group

Richard Harrington has shared stages with Deepak Chopra,
Robin Sharma, Les Brown and Mel Robbins to name a few...
all to realise his vision of empowering one billion people with the tools to set themselves financially free by 2030.

Watch ABC's News Anchor JJ Snyder and Jessica Rosado from
The Morning Blend Show Las Vegas interview Richard Harrington
RH Group Portfolio
We only start companies which support our 10 year mission statement. Because many people overestimate what they can achieve in one year,
and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years.

"Richard Harrington Becoming Financially Free
at Age 24"

Humble Beginnings...
Richard Harrington was born and raised in Cape Town
where he attended South African public schools.
After graduating from high school, he attended the University of Stellenbosch on a full scholarship where he received a finance degree in Investments and Economics.
In 2020 he moved to the island of Bali and is currently a digital nomad constantly travelling the world.
He is one of the world's most sought-after authority on Value Investing and has established the RH Group to realise his mission of empowering one billion people with the tools to set themselves financially free by 2030!
Watch The Untold Story of Richard Harrington